TU Graz/ TU Graz/ Services/ News+Stories/

Overview: Media Service

The Media Service page contains press releases on current developments involving TU Graz as well as facts and figures and image material in print quality. The Media Service team is the central contact point for journalists, arranges contacts with interview subjects and supports members of TU Graz in their publicity work.
The fuelling nozzle of a hydrogen tank system.

What Are the Risks of Hydrogen Vehicles in Tunnels?

A team from TU Graz has analysed the risk and damage potential of hydrogen vehicles in tunnels and derived recommendations. Their conclusion? Any damage would be extensive, but its occurrence is unlikely.

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Communications and Marketing
Media Service

Barbara GIGLER
Press officer
Phone: +43 316 873 6006
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 6006

Phone: +43 316 873 6066
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 6066

Philipp JARKE
Phone: +43 316 873 4566
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 4566

currently on maternity leave

A man in a white coat is working on a satellite in a laboratory.

Austrian Mini-Satellite OPS-SAT Burns Up after Successful Mission

For four and a half years, the nanosatellite built at TU Graz acted as a flying laboratory in space to test mission-critical software, operating concepts and new technologies.

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A man stands in a chamber with angular spikes protruding from the wall and holds a large electronic component in his hands.

More Reliability for Electronic Components: TU Graz Opens New CD Lab

The “CD Laboratory for EMC-Aware Robust Electronic Systems” carries out research on the impact of electromagnetic emissions on electronic components in production and operation in order to eliminate the causes of failures.

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Four people stand behind two dog-like robots and look into the camera

Unrivalled Research Infrastructure: TU Graz opens Human-Centered Computing Labs

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the new laboratory spaces offer the opportunity for interdisciplinary research at the interface of man and machine.

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Five people are standing in a laboratory.

TU Graz Bundles Its Strengths in Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence

In a multidisciplinary research project, researchers from the biosciences, process engineering and computer science want to massively increase efficiency in the development of new enzymes and process optimization. This should even enable the breakdown of forever chemicals.

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Two men sit next to each other on the rails of a test bench and look into the camera.

A Second Life for Batteries

Discarded lithium-ion cells from electric cars could be re-used as stationary power storage units. Researchers at TU Graz have established the first indicators for a reliable assessment of their condition.

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Portrait of Former Rector Harald Kainz Unveiled at TU Graz

The painting was created by the Graz artist Oskar Stocker and expands the collection of portraits of former TU Graz Rectors at Campus Alte Technik to now include 44 pieces.

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The virtual fragments of the altar plate lie on the floor, with the archaeological site in Lavant in the background.

Early Christian Altar Stone: Swarm Intelligence to Help with Reconstruction

Researchers from TU Graz and the University of Graz have digitised a broken altar stone from Lavant so that citizens can put it together on the internet. The aim is to achieve what generations of archaeologists have failed to do.

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A hand types on a computer keyboard, a monitor with computer code can be seen in the background.

Security Vulnerability in Browser Interface Allows Computer Access via Graphics Card

Researchers at TU Graz were successful with three different side-channel attacks on graphics cards via the WebGPU browser interface. The attacks were fast enough to succeed during normal surfing behaviour.

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Novel UV Broadband Spectrometer Revolutionises Air Pollutant Analysis

The laser-based technology developed at TU Graz enables the continual real-time analysis of air pollutants and their interaction with other gases and sunlight.

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